Are You Living Someone Else's Dream?
Why do you do what you do? What drives you? Are you living out your dream or someone else’s? We once had a client we were grooming for...

How Work Can Fulfill Our Deeper Longings
How often do you get up in the morning and decide how you’d like your day to go? If you’ve made a habit of being that intentional about...

How Your Feelings Shape Your Future
In a recent article for Forbes, contributor, Joseph Folkman, shares how a well-communicated vision can truly inspire employees. To make...

Is the Allure of Success Leading You Astray?
How easy is it to sacrifice your values in pursuit of success? Said another way, what are you consciously or unconsciously willing to...

Is it Possible to Die Without Regrets?
Most of us hesitate to give much thought to one of the few certainties in life—the fact that we’re all going to die. Some might say that...

Something Magic Happens When You "Pass It On!"
Who do you want to be when you grow up? It’s an interesting question – fundamentally different from the usual one (what do you want to...

Do You Have a Life Line?
Because we’ve both had near-death experiences, people often ask us the ponderous question, is there life after death? Well, let’s forget...

Are Other People Trying to Force Their Values on You?
We’ve all met authentic people who were living their values. Most of them weren’t celebrities. They were ordinary people, like the car...