Could You Have Been Secretly Hypnotized?
What is real? Are you sure? How can you know? What if you’re wrong? If you ever attended a philosophy class in college, these types of...

When Was the Last Time You Did a Reality Check?
All of us are innate storytellers. We discussed that in our last blog post (and this figures prominently into the first chapter of our...

How the Story You're Telling Impacts Your Life
Author Jonathan Gottschall wrote, “Until recently we’ve only been able to speculate about story’s persuasive effects. But over the last...

How Our Brains Create False Facts
Henry Ford famously said, “Whether you think it’s true or not, you’re right.” Our personal mindset determines which filters we use to...

Which is Better -- Motivation or Inspiration?
“What’s the secret to success? That’s what a student is said to have asked his teacher, Socrates, centuries ago. Socrates guided his...

What Myth Are You Living?
Carl Jung, the father of analytical psychology, wrote that the most important question anyone can ask is “What myth am I living?” Notice...

9 Principles of Empowerment We're Seldom Taught
We wrote about empowerment last post and hopefully cleared up some of the confusion about what empowerment is and isn’t. This week, we’d...

How to Implement Empowerment Effectively
In our experience, the word “empowerment” is widely misunderstood in both corporate, political, and public life. To get a better...

Three Secrets to Maximizing Your Power
In coaching and consulting in a variety of companies around the world, we find that there is often confusion about the terms...

Waking Up From the Trance of Disempowerment
Dr. Milton Erickson said, “Most people walk through the world in a trance of disempowerment.” Erickson, considered to be the father of...