Mining the Genius of Inclusion
It might seem obvious that diverse groups are more intelligent than homogeneous groups and numerous studies support this notion. So why...

How Our Brains Create False Facts
Henry Ford famously said, “Whether you think it’s true or not, you’re right.” Our personal mindset determines which filters we use to...

Which is Better -- Motivation or Inspiration?
“What’s the secret to success? That’s what a student is said to have asked his teacher, Socrates, centuries ago. Socrates guided his...

What Myth Are You Living?
Carl Jung, the father of analytical psychology, wrote that the most important question anyone can ask is “What myth am I living?” Notice...

9 Principles of Empowerment We're Seldom Taught
We wrote about empowerment last post and hopefully cleared up some of the confusion about what empowerment is and isn’t. This week, we’d...

How Hard Work Can Thwart Your Vision
Thriving is a state of mind and a way of living. Ironically, what most often interferes with thriving is our obsessive efforts to...